Welcome to my blog! I’ve written all of these articles to help you feel empowered with nutrition. My aim is to guide you to eat well for life… so that you and your family know how to make the right food choices, look after your stress and understand what may be causing any symptoms of imbalance.
If you have any questions, do get in touch Plus if you’d like to learn more you can sign up to my newsletter where you’ll receive my latest articles, videos and priority access to new courses and webinars.

Eating for healthy, glowing skin
At this time of year with the sun shining, holidays being booked and the shedding of those warmer winter layers, many of us feel our

Is stress the trigger for your acne?
If you’re struggling with acne or other skin conditions, you may not have thought about stress being a trigger for your skin problems. In this

How to Lose Weight in Menopause – Yes it is possible!
Why does it seem to be harder to lose weight in menopause? Is it that our metabolism shifts? Or is something else going on? I’m going to explore the shift in hormones around the menopause and why this may affect your ability to maintain a healthy weight…. and what you can do about it!

5 Warm Nourishing Breakfast Recipes to Wake Up To On Cold Mornings
Imagine it’s 7.00am, the alarm goes off, it’s cold and dark outside and you need to start getting the kids ready for school or getting

How to have a high chocolate, low sugar easter!
Easter Sunday is not too far away… if ever there was a time to be indulging in a few sweet, choc-tastic treats it’s now! But,

Skin Nutrition and Hormones… a decade by decade journey on how to glow from the inside out
In this skin nutrition and hormones blog, my clinic associate and skin specialist, Gurjit Dhanjal, will take you through a step by step guide on

5 Top Tips for Eating Out with IBS
If you have IBS, you may be worried about eating out again in restaurants, bars or pubs. Having uncontrolled IBS can have a huge impact

Are you a functional breather?
Are you a functional breather… or a dysfunctional breather? You might be wondering what on earth I’m talking about, because we all breathe, right?

Home Made Power Granola – low in sugar, packed with protein!
Granola is a great breakfast – usually packed with lots of nuts, seeds and oats, providing slow releasing energy and goodness. But many of the

How to help your anxious child – can food and nutrition make a difference?
As a parent, it can be so difficult to know how to help your anxious child. I’m talking from personal experience here, because my oldest daughter, now 11, has experienced a fair amount of anxiety throughout her life.

Back to School Special: Healthy Lunch Box Ideas
Packing a daily lunchbox for your family, or for yourself, can seem like such a chore… especially when it comes back half eaten. Here are

How to get off the sugar rollercoaster this new year!
…. one handful of protein at a time! Having worked with over a thousand clients in my one to one clinic in the past decade,