Welcome to my blog! I’ve written all of these articles to help you feel empowered with nutrition. My aim is to guide you to eat well for life… so that you and your family know how to make the right food choices, look after your stress and understand what may be causing any symptoms of imbalance.
If you have any questions, do get in touch Plus if you’d like to learn more you can sign up to my newsletter where you’ll receive my latest articles, videos and priority access to new courses and webinars.

Should I buy my kids Easter eggs? A nutritionist’s view….
So I’ve had many people ask me this Easter… do you buy your kids Easter eggs? I guess people are interested in my view

Are you getting enough Omega-3 in your diet?
In a recent video on my Facebook Page, I talked about good fats. Yes fats are really good for you… and you need them to

Clean Eating… Foodie Fad or Fresh Thinking?
There’s been a fair bit of backlash against the “clean eating” movement recently… With prime time documentaries, media headlines and prominent bloggers all speaking out

How to get enough protein on a vegetarian or vegan diet
Being a vegetarian or vegan can be really good for your health, but if you choose to exclude meat, fish, eggs and dairy from your

The Ultimate Guide to Good and Bad Breakfasts
With all the talk in the press over the last few weeks about how bad so many cereals are for our children’s health, I thought

Healthy no-bake treats – let’s get more kids in the kitchen!
Does it feel like your children are constantly asking for snacks and treats? I know mine often do… so I like to have some quick

Why everyone should take probiotics regularly
I’m really passionate about digestive issues and how to resolve problems from within using the right food, drink and supplements. This week I’m looking at

How to make healthy eating habits stick!
So… it’s about this time of year when our New Year Food resolutions usually start to unravel… You might be getting to the end of

New for 2017: Nutrition Coaching Packages
How was 2016 for you? I am super excited about 2017 and all the amazing changes coming up in my business (more exclusive news below).

A Nutritional Therapists no nonsense guide to detoxing
If there is one thing I know is going to come up again and again in January it’s detoxing. Is a detox on your list

5 super effective hangover cures that work naturally
If you’re anything like me then you probably like to indulge in a cheeky tipple during the festive season… but what if one drink turns into

Why are the government getting it so wrong with obesity?
This country, like many others in the world, is facing an obesity crisis. 60% of adults and over 30% of children are now overweight or